Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Aircraft Brake System Overview

The way they are assembled in the brake system is necessary for the safety of passenger aircraft, because it is responsible for the safety of takeoffs and landings. Learning assembly, and other security systems as well as the observations of personal injury prevention is important for damage to aircraft. The following is an overview of the brake system in the aircraft and configuration.


In the brake system, such as vehicles, aircraft, and this system is also standard parts, including hard drives, and residential projects and uses aluminum pistons. The aluminum, magnesium and other materials that can withstand heavy pressure are made of. Small plane assembly often just liquid tank, and the main cylinder and the brakes, including the giant aircraft functions and more complex, because of the size of the aircraft they need to take the pressure is strong. Such use of military aircraft and commercial aircraft brake valves and power measurement, anti-slip, isolation valves, pressure converters and adapters, anti-spin as large aircraft braking system to ensure that the plane took off safely and will land.

Types of systems

The system depends on the size of aircraft types. Commercial aircraft and military aircraft and commercial aircraft because it is often used in power system brake pressure that holds the weight safely land or take off to be able to deal with a large force is required. The largest aircraft fails law in force in the rare cases of a backup system in case of emergency.

This is another type of hydraulic system which is used by many companies in the industry will be, as it provides the reliability and redundancy. System isolation valves, shuttle and a defined brake force works through the use of three sources. Rubber hoses often fail when used regularly, they used the shuttle valve and they are more resistant and reliable. Shuttle separation pressure flow valve, the valve automatically measuring the amount of flow and stop when you reach the specified size.

Anti-skid system, the brake system, to ensure they have access to safe takeoffs and landings are an integral part of. Maximum take-off or landing force pilot system to implement secure permits. Detecting wheel speed, valve anti-slip, anti-skid system processors and some of the components of the error statement, as well as open-wheel in different ways, including depression and stress reliever are protected. These conditions ensure that the various types of security are in place when needed.

Security Features

Depending on the weight of the aircraft brake system and as such, larger aircraft, and the system is more complex than. The braking system in order to set up giant Airlines aircraft added pressure to make sure they are working according to the same sources. Ensure regular maintenance to ensure that the system works properly in place, too.

Groups of various aircraft parts, brake systems and military cut and ground support equipment, and marine parts AeroBase supplier. Exporter, and government excess surplus, as well as hold PMA parts. We share customer requirements such as purchase value-added services offered. Remember that the numbers are based on our national reserves, part number (NSN), cross reference numbers, build, and technical characteristics

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